Monday, 5 October 2009

Media Definitions

1) Anchorage - used in images to show the meaning of an image to state a certain point e.g. captions underneath pictures

2) Cropping - when an image is cut to either show a certain aspect or to suit space in a particular print e.g. in magazines and newspapers

3) Semiotics - the study of signs - having a meaning for every moving image

4) Juxtaposition - when two things are put next to each other but are the opposite of each other to cause a certain affect e.g. birth and death

5) Mise-en-scene - everything on the set of a single shot e.g. different props, people etc.

6) Homage - when a director pays tribute to another director by including images, scenes or stylistic features just like the other director to show his/her importance.

7) Demographics - information about the social status, class, gender of the population

8) Psychographics - Using the demographics of a certain area of the population to arbitrate attitudes and taste

9) Binary Opposition - Narratives structured around oppositional elements in human culture e.g. good and evil, life and death

10) Iconography - Distinguishing elements, in terms of props and visual details, which charaterise a genre

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